Login into the OpsPi Platform as an End-user. You will land on the OpsPi Dashboard.
Click on the option “Quick Start” under “Hosting Controls”.
Enter the required details. Domain name, choose to create FTP Account and Database Account.
Enable Mail services and add at least one email ID. Then Submit
You will enter the Wizard page. Please wait for a few moments and click on Refresh button to find the status of all your services complete.
After ensuring that the status for all the services have been completed, choose the option “Domains” under “Hosting control .
Choose the domain which was created
You will enter the Domain Overview page. Click on the option “FTP Users”
Click on the configuration button to retrieve the FTP details and also set the new password.
Enter the new password and choose to “change password”
You can also choose to reset the password and use it by choosing the “key” option.
Download DNN Download and unzip the DNN Package (https://www.dnnsoftware.com/community/download) .
Creating Database Create a MSSQL database for DNN on your Web Server/Database Server as well as a MSSQL user who has all privileges for accessing and modifying the Database.
Upload DNN files Upload all contents of the unzipped files of DNN directory into the root directory of your web server via FTP.
Connecting FTP Client Open FileZilla FTP client. Enter Host, Username, Password and then click on Quickconnect. (Refer to Step 9)
Select the appropriate files & folders from Left Pane (Local site). Then right click and select upload. And wait for the files finished transfer.
Configuring DNN Run the DNN installation script by accessing the URL in a web browser. This should be the URL where you uploaded the DNN files. (Ex: http://yourdomain.com
In the Installation screen enter admin credential and database credentials, then click Continue .
Wait for few minutes with the Proceed with installation page.
After complete installation click on Visit Website
Enter admin credential in the next page and click Next .
Now it will show the welcome screen after finish installation .