Please use the query below to check the total number of active connections at a time, on the MSSQL database server :- ################################################################# SELECT DB_NAME(dbid) as elitemoving, COUNT(dbid) as NumberOfConnections, loginame as LoginNameFROM sys.sysprocessesWHERE dbid > 0GROUP BY dbid, loginame############################################################# ]]>
Use gosp_spaceused Note : It works with MSSQL 2000/2005/2008/2012 ]]>
Login to the mail server through SSH [root@mailServer ~]# vi /hsphere/shared/apache/htdocs/horde/imp/config/header.php /* Add your custom entries below this line. */$_header[‘X-Horde-User’] = Auth::getAuth(); ]]>
If the user is facing trouble with ASP.NET MVC 4 or 5, then please add the below content in his/her domain webconfig file under the configuration section to make it work. ============================================================================================ ============================================================================================= If module is already define in user domain web config then only need to add below context. ====================================================================================================================================================== ]]>
One may find a malicious folder created in mulitple domains under various folders/subfolders. It is hard to delete those folders one by one. So you can use the script below to delete those folders recursively FOR /D /R D:\folder %%X IN (PUMA) DO RMDIR /S /Q “%%X” In the “%%X” flie, you will need to […]
A) We have to add a port on the Plesk server for passive FTP. [root@plskl1 ~]# cd /etc/proftpd.d/[root@plskl1 proftpd.d]# cp -pvf 50-plesk.conf 50-plesk.conf_orig[root@plskl1 proftpd.d]# vi 50-plesk.confAdd the line below in the global section- PassivePorts 57000 58000 B) Setup a custom firewall rule in the Plesk control panel. Log in as “root” to the server shell […]
1. Login onto the Qmail server. 2. Create a catchall mailbox like [email protected] 3. Find out the domain directory with the command below-[root@mail ~]# ~vpopmail/bin/vdominfo .com 4. Edit the .qmail-default file as below:[root@mail ~]# vi /home/vpopmail/domains/.com/.qmail-default===================================================================================Replace the line-| /home/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail ” bounce-no-mailbox With this line-| /home/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail ” delete=================================================================================== 5. Restart the qmail services[root@mail ~]# /etc/init.d/qmaild restart […]
1. Login onto the Qmail server 2. Create a catchall mailbox like [email protected] 3. Find out the domain directory with the command below-[root@mail ~]# ~vpopmail/bin/vdominfo .com 4. Edit the .qmail-default file as below: [root@mail ~]# vi /home/vpopmail/domains/.com/.qmail-default===================================================================================Replace the line-| /home/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail ” bounce-no-mailbox With this line-| /home/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail ” /home/vpopmail/domains/.com/catchall=================================================================================== 5. Restart the qmail services[root@mail ~]# /etc/init.d/qmaild […]
$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI] is syntactically incorrect and AFAIK will not run on a default installation of PHP 5. The array index is a string so it needs to be passed strings. I know PHP 4 converted undefined constants to strings inside the square brackets but it’s still not good practice. EDIT: Well unless you define a constant called […]
1. Verify if the server already has the check_mk agent installed, using the command below:[root@cpannneltest ~]# rpm -qa | grep check_mk If this returns any matching package name, this means that the check_mk agent is already installed. 2. If no result is returned by the command above, check_mk is missing, and can be set up […]