Alternate SMTP Port 587 if there are issues with 25
There are times in Outlook Express, when emails with the SMTP port 25 get rejected by RBLs like SpamCop and your own ISP’s public IP address is shown. That actually means that your own ISP’s public IP address has been blocked for the SMTP port 25. For this, we have an alternate SMTP port on […]
Alternative IPs with ports to access the MSSQL and MySQL servers through external tools
Below are the IP addresses and ports for the respective server for external management access :- ========================================================================CL1 – Cluster-1CL2 – Cluster-2 1) MSSQL Servers———————————————————–Server IP Address Port———————————————————–CL1- MSSQL1,5201CL1- MSSQL2,5202CL1- MSSQL3,5203CL1- MSSQL4,5204CL1- MSSQL5,5205CL1- MSSQL6,5206CL1- MSSQL7,5207CL1- MSSQL8,5208CL1- MSSQL9,5209CL1- MSSQL10,5210CL1- MSSQL11,5211CL1- MSSQL12,5212CL1- MSSQL13,5213CL2- MSSQL1,5001CL2- […]
Analyzing Email headers
1- https://support.google.com/mail/answer/22454 From this link you can see how to find out email headers in different mail clients. 2- https://toolbox.googleapps.com/apps/messageheader/ From this link, you can analyze your email header by pasting it. ]]>
Sample PHPMailer Script
To enable SMTP AUTH in PHPMailer: First download the PHPMailer class file from the site http://phpmailer.sourceforge.net. Save it as a php-file in the same directory as your script. Include this script in your code: ]]>
Check your website for Malware with Google Safe Browsing
The following URL can be used to check a site for malware :- http://www.google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?site=example.com This diagnostic URL works to check any site by replacing the domain at the end with the site you wish to check. http://www.google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?site=xxxxxxxx.xxx Found out that your website is infected? This page has some info on what to do if your […]
Simultaneous multi-threading
A thread is a sequence of instructions. A core is capable of running a process, a process being one or more threads. Multi-threading generally refers to a process running with multiple threads. Simultaneous multi-threading is one of the two ways multi-threading can be carried out. It is when more than one thread of instructions are […]
How to prevent a Botnet Attack on WordPress or Malware content on a website
Change your passwordsFirst, we suggest you change passwords for the Control Panel, your FTP and MySQL users so that this can be prevented. The vast majority of compromised sites were hacked using Password cracks so make your password complex. Scan your local machine It may be possible due to some virus on your local systems/network from […]
How to kill Database Connections
If you see your database is making too many connections, then use the query below to kill all connections in one go. ============= USE master GO DECLARE @dbname varchar(30), @spid varchar(10), @start datetime SELECT @start = current_timestamp, @dbname = ‘airtel_sms’ — Timeout after 5 mts while(exists(Select * FROM sysprocesses WHERE dbid = db_id(@dbname)) AND datediff(mi, […]
How to Host a Domain Name with Umlaut characters
You can convert it to Punycode using this tool: http://mct.verisign-grs.com/ Next, host the Punycode version of your domain like any other domain, and it should work. ]]>
Block listing of databases for users without access.
All SQL logins are members of the ‘public’ server-level role, which by default has the VIEW ANY DATABASE permission. This will revoke that permission : REVOKE VIEW ANY DATABASE FROM public. Note: This removes the view database from the required login also. ]]>