How to resolve the pretty URLs issue in Linux
As for the pretty URLs issue, ask to change the permission of the .htaccess file to 777 and then let the blogging software write the mod_rewrite rules for it. If you are using WordPress, then this is done from its admin panel. ]]>
Steps for Joomla installation
Preparations before installing Joomla:- 1- Make sure the Joomla files have been uploaded to the domain directory. 2- Make sure that the database has been created in H-Sphere. 3- Make sure that the database user has full permissions.4- Make sure that the required php.ini file is placed in the domain folder and do customizations as […]
Steps to upload a file on the web through the webshell in the control panel
1. Login to your control panel2. Select FTP/User Account menu > FTP User.3. On the page that appears, click on the small computer icon.4. On the page that appears, you will be able to login to the webshell.5. There you need to upload files under the domain folder by using the Upload tab. ]]>
Python scripts on shared Linux servers
Python supports CGI scripts on shared Linux servers. To run Python scripts you should first make sure of the following steps: Step 1: Add cgi-bin as cgi-dir in the control panel on the web services section for the domain.Step 2: Add the .py extension for Python to run against CGI on the web services section […]
When a customer signs up or adds a particular domain and gets the error "Error – DNS zone already taken"
Solution :- 1. Search for the domain in the H-Sphere control panel, if you are able to find it. The same domain can’t be added in multiple accounts in the same cluster. 2. If you are not able to find the domain in the H-Sphere control panel and the domain being added is a service […]
Connection dropped by the IMAP server while logging into SquirrelMail
Solution :-1. Please ask the client to reset the email password. The steps he can use are as follows :-1. Click Mail Info >> Mail Manager2. Now select the domain in mail domains and click on the Go button.3. On the page that appears, click on the email address for which you want to change […]
Nmap: Scanning open ports and finding out info about the operating system
Nmap (“Network Mapper”) is a utility for network discovery and security auditing. It is useful for tasks such as network inventory, managing service upgrade schedules, and monitoring host or service uptime. Using Nmap you can check the ports and service which are open against that port and information about the operating system installed on the […]
Changing the timezone on Linux
How to change the timezone on Linux: In the Linux machine, to setup the timezone we need to create a symlink as /etc/localtime to the time zone file in the system time zone directory. Follow the simple steps below to do that :- Create a symlink to the file localtime in the etc directory as […]
How to add a signature in the webmail client (Horde and SquirrelMail)?
1) If you are using the SquirrelMail client, then follow the steps below : – Step 1: Log in to your email account using your email ID and its password. Step 2: Click on the “Options” button at the top menu bar. Step 3: On the page that appears next with different options, click […]
What Is My FTP URL?
If you want to access FTP through the Internet, then use ftp://yourdomain.com instead of http://yourdomain.com. If your http URL is http://example.com, then your ftp URL would ftp://example.com. ]]>