How to get information about the currently running processes in Linux?
Command:- ps auxww | grep (It gives the full listing of the process (long listing)). To know the count of remote processes, type the command below: ps auxww |grep ‘remote’ | wc -l ]]>
Signup getting a 404 error?
When you are getting the “404 error”, it means that the corresponding plan against which you have done the signup is currently “off” so first turn “on” the plan and then you will be able to delete or create the signup. ]]>
How to change your contact information in H-Sphere
To change your contact information, please follow the steps below: 1. Login to your reseller control panel. 2. Go to Info>>Contact Info 3. Change your details and then press the change button. ]]>
Errors while changing the password for the H-Sphere control panel
Sometimes we get an error while changing the password of the H-Sphere control panel. We get this error because of the password policy of H-Sphere. Please keep the points below in mind:- >> The minimum password length is 5 characters and the maximum is 12 characters. >> H-Sphere does not support any special characters besides […]
Stop and start services on Windows
In H-Sphere services, open the command prompt and type the suitable command. IIS start and restartcommand: iisreset ColdFusion stop/startcommand: cfmxrestart SQL server startcommand: services.msc H-Sphere services start/stopcommand: net stop HSSVCcommand: net start HSSVC ]]>
How to quickly create an email attachment in Outlook
Sometimes we forget to attach a file or attachment in an email as it can take a lot of time. But we can get rid of this problem by following the step below:- >> Drag the file into the inbox. This action will create quickly a new mesasge with that attachment and save time. ]]>
End user account not getting deleted from the reseller H-Sphere panel?
We need to check the corresponding plan of the user in question, by using the access option. If anything is checkmarked then uncheck it and save. After that, you will be able to delete the end user account from H-Sphere. ]]>
Clearing the Cache on the Linux server
We’ve seen many times that the server takes records from its cache which aren’t the same as the real records or the globally updated records. In that scenario, we have to clear the cache on the server to get the new/updated records on the server. NSCD (Name Service Cache Daemon) is a daemon that provides […]
Setting up an Error page for your domain
There are times when you would like to set up a custom error page for any particular page or for a page which doesn’t exist, and the error page will redirect to the page which you want. We can use the H-Sphere control panel to set the error page. To configure Error Pages, follow the […]
How to remove a MySQL database without removing its db user which is being used with another database as well?
In H-Sphere, if we have several databases and have a common db user for all and at some point remove a database then this will remove the database user for all the databases. To prevent this we should first unassign the database user for that database which we want to remove. For that we can […]