How to enable mod_expires and mod_headers on any H-Sphere controlled web server?
Steps:-1. Go to the directory “/hsphere/shared/apache2/conf” 2. There will be 3 files :- httpd.conf, httpd.conf.tmpl and httpd.conf.tmpl.custom. If “httpd.conf.tmpl.custom” doesn’t exist, then make a copy of “httpd.conf.tmpl” as “httpd.conf.tmpl.custom” 3. Edit “httpd.conf.tmpl.custom” by copying lines from “mod_expires.so” and “mod_headers.so” as follows: The end result should look like this: LoadModule expires_module modules/mod_expires.so LoadModule headers_module […]
Steps to turn OFF the Secure Mode for ASP sessions in IIS 7/7.5
Below are the steps to turn OFF the secure mode for ASP sessions in IIS 7/7.5:- 1- Open the IIS Manager on the server.2- Select domain/directory under ‘Sites’ and double click on the domain name.3- After this, the domain settings section will be shown with the IIS section in it.4- Under the IIS section, double-click […]
How to increase the upload limit for ASP in the Windows 2008 server with IIS 7/7.5?
Sometimes when we need to upload using the web interface on an ASP-based website, we must ensure that we set the upload limit or can set the ‘Maximum Requesting Entity Body Limit’ for that particular domain to some value upto which only we can allow an upload on the server.Upto this limit only can the […]
How to kill any specifc process on the Windows server through the command prompt
Go to the command prompt “cmd” of the server and then write the command below:- ——————————————————————————————- “Taskkill /F /IM XXXXX” Here XXXXX is the process which you want to kill.——————————————————————————————– The process will be terminated. ]]>
Restricting a File or Directory using the Access Control List
ACL is the access control list for a specific file or directory. By default an ACL is associated with a directory and the files inside that directory inherit the ACL of the directory, if the files don’t have any ACL set explicitly. With the help of ACLs we can control the access to files and […]
How to enable an SSH port other than 22
Steps :- 1. Make an entry of that port in the file “/etc/ssh/sshd_config”. 2. Restart the sshd service. That’s all. ]]>
Checking admins and logins on the server through the command prompt
Go to the command prompt “cmd” of the server and then write the command below:- ——————————————————————————————- “Net localgroup administrators” ——————————————————————————————– This will show you the number of login sessions for the server quickly. ]]>
Permission reset for files/folder on Windows
Please use the command below to reset permissions on the files/folder: attrib -R -S XXXX\*.* /S /D Here XXXXX stands for the complete file path with the file name. ]]>
The delete command for hidden files on the Windows server
Please use the command below to delete hidden files:- attrib -H -R -S “XXXXX” Here XXXXX stands for the complete file path with the file name. ]]>
Creating a nologin user in Linux
Sometimes we need to give FTP access to a user but we restrict him from logging into the system due to security reasons. Follow the command below to add a user “test” with no shell login access: # useradd -s /sbin/nologin test ]]>