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Category: Default

  • AngularJS with Ruby on Rails – some notes

    AngularJS acts as the frontend, whereas Rails acts as the backend and provides the RESTful API. With JavaScript frameworks like AngularJS, JSON is generally the language used to receive messages from the server (rather than XML). The Devise and OmniAuth Ruby gems can take care of authentication and user logins. ]]>

  • How to solve the problem when special characters are not being displayed correctly on your domain webpages?

    Sometimes we see that some special characters are not being displayed correctly on the web pages. For example, the £ sign may be displayed as “£”. Please follow the steps below to take care of this problem:- 1.   Copy all the code inside of the .html file.2.   Open Notepad (or any basic text editor) and […]

  • XML vs HTML?

    XML does not do anything. It structures, stores and transports information. HTML affects how the web page is rendered to the end user. In XML you invent arbitrary tags, unlike HTML. Data from the server is often structured in the XML format. ]]>

  • What does copyleft mean?

    “Copyleft” is a play on the term “copyright”. It means that a work can be freely distributed and modified, and that the same applies to the modified versions of that work. ]]>

  • What is the difference between a DHTML page and an AJAX page?

    Both the DHTML and AJAX collection of umbrella technologies allow the user to make changes to the current page and for the current page to actually be updated – without the server reloading a new page. However DHTML pages typically rely more on client-side processing. ]]>

  • What is the MVC framework?

    The MVC framework enables a new paradigm to web development. It is a benefit from the developer’s point of view. The same application could of course be developed by this framework or by another perspective. “Model” stands for data and the software logic, “View” for the pages actually rendered to the end user and “Controller” […]

  • Data binding – what is it?

    Data binding enables a connection between an application’s GUI and the software’s logic. This term is more commonly used when developing Java and JavaScript applications. ]]>

  • Steps to move domains from the Windows server to the Linux server

    1) Please take a backup at your end of your domain webfiles and emails and then delete the domain from the existing Windows user account. 2) Create a new user account against a Linux plan. 3) Add the domain in the new user Linux account and upload files there. You will also need to create […]

  • How to resolve the issue "Account not created– error– Duplicate MX record exists"?

    Run the following command from the CP server as a cPanel user and that will take care of this problem:- java psoft.hsphere.tools.MailServiceDuplicateRecordsRemover –all ]]>

  • Joomla Administrator: "500 – An error has occurred"

    We’ve seen sometimes that when we log into the Joomla administrator section we suddenly get the error “500 – An error has occurred”. However the frontend of the website is working fine. To fix the issue above check the follow things with your webfiles :- Step 1: Check the log directory path inside the configuration.php […]