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Category: Default

  • How to redirect http to https in IIS7.5

    If you ever want to force your http traffic to https on IIS7 you can do the steps below. The steps here have been obtained after going through various forums and links which we tested and tried out. This worked for us so we’re putting it up here for everyone. How to redirect HTTP traffic […]

  • How to change database schema to DBO

    SELECT ‘EXEC(”sp_changeobjectowner @objname = ””’+ ltrim(u.name) + ‘.’ + ltrim(s.name) + ””” + ‘, @newowner = dbo”)’ FROM sysobjects s, sysusers u WHERE s.uid = u.uid AND u.name ‘dbo’ AND xtype in (‘V’, ‘P’, ‘U’) AND u.name not like ‘INFORMATION%’ order by s.name ]]>

  • Creating Space in C: Drive in Windows servers

    There are a few common places from where we can delete the unwanted or unnecessary old files and can create the space in the C: drive of the Windows server. 1. Delete the Temporary files from the path :- C:\Windows\Temp 2. Delete rar/zip files that have already been downloaded by the respective client from the […]

  • If clients ask why they see the error for their Certificate when they log in to Plesk

    There is nothing to correct really – this is how a self-signed certificate works. It does not mean that it is insecure; it just means that it is not issued from a certificate authority (i.e. it is not purchased). You can get a domain assigned for the SSL certificate and assign an IP if you […]

  • ASP Components

    Office Web Components CDOSYS ASPEmail ASPJpeg ASPMail ASPSecured ASPUpload ASPSmartUpload ASPImage ASPHTTP ASPSock ASPPOP3 ASPNNTP ASPDNS ASPMX ASPCrypt ASPPing ASPInet ASPTear Dundas Mailer Dundas Upload w3 JMAIL w3 SiteTree ]]>

  • Steps to install an SSL certificate on a website

    1.Login into the end user’s account control panel.2.Go to the “Domain Settings” menu and select the “Web Option” option.3.Click on the domain name.4.First you need to switch your domain on the dedicated IP.5.Go to the SSL section on the page that appears.6.Click on “Import SSL certificate”.7.Click on “Generate a temporary SSL certificate and certificate request” […]

  • Reconfiguring a Domain for Plesk

    If a domain is not getting deleted from the Plesk control panel, and it is getting deleted from IIS we can fix this by running the command below. on Windows : Open the command prompt; go to start >> run >> cmd >> cd %plesk_bin% And then websrvmng.exe –reconfigure-vhost –vhost-name=domainname (the domain name which one […]

  • SRT subtitles over online mp4 video playback

    Today I encountered a strange issue, however I solved it and the client was happy. Many of our customers are from non-English backgrounds, like Spanish and various European languages. So enabling subtitles for online video playback for various languages is sometimes hard and nonspecific characters are not properly displayed. For example, these ones (like ‘¿’, […]

  • If your Email Stops Working Suddenly

    If your email is not working: Whenever you try to send email and a window appears for the user name and password, your SMTP service may be blocked due to spamming. Please check if you have received any email from our abuse department. If you face this type of situation then please change the password […]

  • Sample code in ASP.NET for sending mail via a web form

    Please use the example code below in ASP.NET. It always works on all our Windows servers (2003 & 2008). http://support.microsoft.com/kb/555287==================================================================================                                                                    ============================================================================================================= ]]>