How to add back all the dedicated IPs on the H-Sphere controlled server if the IPs vanish from there?
Run the following script :- /hsphere/shared/scripts/setup-ips.pl This script should add back the dedicated IPs on the server. ]]>
How to stop directory browsing in Apache
Sometimes we’ve seen that when we browse a domain, we see the directory contents in the browsing mode which is not good from the perspective of security. For a particular domain, we can stop this with .htaccess using the directive below:- —————————— Options -Indexes —————————— Similarily, if we want to enable the indexing we can […]
How to find out information about your CPU in the Linux command mode
If you want to know everything about your CPU, then run the command below. less /proc/cpuinfo ]]>
Horde webmail "There are no messages in this mailbox" when there are
Horde webmail may encounter a problem with displaying emails in the inbox – “There are no messages in this mailbox” when in fact emails are there. We can fix this issue by editing this file: /hsphere/shared/apache2/htdocs/horde/imp/lib/IMP.php We have to add these lines: /* check for empty direction */if ($ob[‘dir’] === “”) {$ob[‘dir’] = $GLOBALS[‘prefs’]->getValue(‘sortdir’);} Just […]
How to change a WordPress website’s URL?
You need to add the new URL in the wp-config.php file. For example- define(‘WP_HOME’,’http:///blog’);define(‘WP_SITEURL’,’http:///blog’); ]]>
Emails bouncing back with error (Sorry, I couldn’t find any host named domain.tld?.)
Sometimes we’ve seen that when we send emails using Outlook and other email programs, they get bounced back with the error message below:- ————————————————————————————— :Sorry, I couldn’t find any host named domain.tld?. (#5.1.2) ————————————————————————————— But emails are getting delivered fine using webmail (Horde, SquirrelMail, etc). The reason for this is that Outlook and other email […]
How to create a virtual directory in H-Sphere on Windows 2008
A virtual directory is a type of directory that is created in the IIS to host a local application or to target a certain physical folder available on the server where the virtual directory is being created. Please follow the steps below to add a virtual directory:1) Login to your hosting panel.2) Select the domain […]
Sending email in Linux using the "echo" command
Sometimes we need to send an email from the server to test the mail delivery from the server and if we don’t have any user/domain to send the email via authentication. In that case, we can use the “echo” command to send the email from the root to the outside domain or email id. Below […]
Download files in the Linux CLI mode
>> We can download any files through the “wget” command in the Linux command mode :- wget http://www.example.com/archive.zip >> We can download and store the above example folder with a different name. wget -O anothername.zip http://www.example.com/archive.zip ]]>
How to make an archive with the exclusion of a directory/file
Sometimes it is necessary to make an archive with the exclusion of a folder or files. In such a case, the command below helps us do that on the Linux server:- tar -pczf MyBackup.tar.gz /home/Webfiles/ –exclude “/home/Webfiles/tm” That’s it. ]]>