How to check the architecture (32 bit or 64 bit?) on a Linux machine
The following commands can be used to see the server architecture:- getconf LONG_BIT or uname -m ]]>
How to create multiple directories through a single command
mkdir -p /directory1/directory2/directory3/directory4/directory5 The command above will create 5 directories in one go. ]]>
Lock/unlock a Linux user account
There are times when we need to remove a user account that is not in use but sometime later we’ll need that again and then we always think at that time that if we hadn’t removed that account we could have used it. So there is a good way in Linux by which we can […]
Steps to reset/change the password of a MSSQL database user in the H-Sphere control panel
Please follow the steps below: 1) Login to your H-Sphere control panel. 2) Select Database >>> MSSQL >> MSSQL logins. 3) On the next page that appears, you will be able to see all of your created database users. 4) In front of each database user, you can see “Change login password” under the controls […]
Soft links and hard links
Soft link :- Soft links or symbolic links refer to the association of multiple filenames for a single file. For example: How to create a soft link:- ln -s /path/to/file1.txt /path/to/file2.txt Hard link :- Hard links refer to the physical location of data and don’t link the directories and are always associated with the source. […]
How to decrypt a private key through the Linux command line
Save the encrypted key in the file enc.key and run the command below and paste the password. You will get the decrypted key in the file dec.key. [root@Mailtest ~]# openssl rsa -in enc.key -out dec.keyEnter the passphrase for enc.key:Writing the RSA key[root@Mailtest ~]# lltotal 8-rw-r–r– 1 root root 1679 Sep 5 07:10 dec.key-rw-r–r– 1 root […]
Sub-FTP account option not visible in the H-Sphere control panel?
Solution:- The reseller needs to enable the FTP account/subaccount option in the respective plan, after which the users will be able to see the “system accounts” option under the FTP section in their user panel. ]]>
How to assign an IP on the Linux machine with the ifconfig command
#/sbin/ifconfig eth0 netmask Example:- #/sbin/ifconfig eth0 netmask ]]>
How to redirect an old document to a new document using the .htaccess file in the Linux command mode
You need to do the entry below in your .htaccess file for redirection:- Redirect 301 /oldfile.html http://yourdomain.com/newfile2.html ]]>
How to check for bad sectors on a drive and repair them
A bad sector is a sector on a disk drive or in memory that cannot be used due to permanent damage or an OS inability to access it. Badblocks is a Linux utility that one can use to find out the bad sectors on a disk drive. For ex- badblocks -v /dev/vda2 We will thus […]