Steps to add the domain manually in IIS 7.0/7.5
Please follow the steps mentioned below:- 1) Login to your server and then open the IIS manager.2) Click on the Connections pane and right-click on “Sites” and then click “Add Web Site”.3) Write the name of your website in the box that appears.4) Click Select if you want to select a different application pool than […]
Check your OS name and version info from the command line
To check the name of the operating system installed on the machine and its version, we can use the easy way below. Always mentioned in the /etc/*-release file is the variant of Linux. See below:- 1) On CentOS and RHEL:- cat /etc/redhat-release CentOS release 6.4 (Final) 2) On Debian :~# cat /etc/issue Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 […]
How to stop Dr. Web notification emails
1) SSH to the server where the Plesk panel is installed.2) Open the file called drweb32.ini Example: vi /etc/drweb/drweb32.ini 3) Look for the section below in the file CronSummary=yesand change it toCronSummary=no You can also edit the notification section of the other file called drweb_handler.conf Example: vi /etc/drweb/drweb_handler.conf Look for the Notification section and change […]
Mail error Reject::ORIG::DNS_MF:
Mail error Reject::ORIG::DNS_MF: If the mail server is rejecting emails with the error above, it means that the sender mailbox or domains don’t exist. You can disable this on the qmail server. Below are the steps:- Change the value of the mfdnscheck file in /var/qmail/control/options from 1 to 0. ]]>
How to Enable the Quota on a drive/partition in Linux
Many times it is required to enable the quota on a drive where there is mostly user data in order to check the size used by a specific user on the system. For that, we must have enabled quota on the drive. The following are the steps using which we can enable the quota:- Step […]
How to make a service stay ON after a reboot?
Sometimes it happens that a server has been rebooted but we forgot to check if the services which were started before the reboot are still up – and sometimes this creates issues. There is a utility in Linux – ‘chkconfig’ – using which we can turn a service on even after rebooting the Linux server […]
How to delete all the files in a directory except for some specific format files
The command below will delete all the files in the current directory except for the .php and .html files:- rm !(*.php*.html) ]]>
How to find out the make, model and serial number for SCSI or IDE hard disks under the CentOS Linux server?
To get the make, model and serial number for SCSI or IDE hard disks under the CentOS Linux server, we can use hdparm command. Command syntax :- # hdparm -I /dev/sda# hdparm -I /dev/sda | grep Serial OR for IDE /dev/hda :-# hdparm -i /dev/hda OR# hdparm -I /dev/hda Where the -i or -I options […]
Changing your language preference in Horde webmail
1- First login to your email account through the Horde webmail client. 2- Click on “Options” from above. 3- Click on “Locale and time”. 4 – From “Select your preferred language” option, you can select or change the laguage according to you. ]]>
Converting HTML pages into the PDF form on a Linux machine
If you have a Linux machine and want to save an HTML page from the Internet into the PDF format, then you can do that from the Linux machine and save that page for future aspects with the help of the tool “wkhtmltopdf”. It is very easy to install this tool on the Linux machine […]