We’ve seen that due to old WordPress versions on websites and sometimes due to DDOS attacks on xmlrpc.php, the website and server may become unstable and the traffic to the website may increase as well.
To fix this issue we have a solution which will nullify and completely remove such a DDOS attack.
Method 1: Redirect the attack to a bogus IP so that the request becomes null. Set this redirect in the .htaccess file and that’s all :-
RewriteRule ^xmlrpc\.php$ “http\:\/\/0\.0\.0\.0\/” [R=301,L]
Method 2: Disable the access for xmlrpc.php using the .htaccess file with the Allow and Deny rules as below :-
Order allow,deny
Deny from all
Both of the above methods are very effective and will surely work in this situation. That’s all!