Please follow the steps below to install the Gallery application:-
1. Download the package from the official website or through any other means of Internet resources.
2. Upload the package in the domain directory where it is to be installed using the FTP client software.
3. Create the MySQL database from the H-Sphere control panel as per the steps mentioned below:-
MySQL database creation steps:-
i. Login to the H-Sphere hosting control panel.
ii. Select MySQL in the Databases menu and the MySQL database creation wizard automatically appears.
iii. On the form that shows up, enter the name of the database and the database description if needed.
iv. Agree with additional charges if any.
v. On the form that appears, create a new user or grant privileges to that user.
vi. Add a new user to the database you have just created: choose the user role and click Add User.
vii. Choose roles for users of other databases so that they can use your new database. Click Grant.
viii. Click Finish to complete creating your MySQL database.
4. Run the installer in the web browser.