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How to Enable the Quota on a drive/partition in Linux

Many times it is required to enable the quota on a drive where there is mostly user data in order to check the size used by a specific user on the system. For that, we must have enabled quota on the drive.

The following are the steps using which we can enable the quota:-

Step 1: First of all make sure that the ‘quota’ package has been installed on the system and if not then do install it using the command below:-

yum install quota

Step 2: Go to /etc/fstab file and write usrquota next to the default against the partition on which you want to enable the quota as below :-
/dev/sda1     /home     ext4    defaults,usrquota        1     1

then save and quit the file.

Step 3: After this run the command below:-

mount -o remount /dev/vda2 and then run the command mount and you’ll see the output as below:-

/dev/vda2 on /home  type ext4 (rw,usrquota)

Step 4: Now, run the command below to create the quota file:-

/sbin/quotacheck -mufv /home

Step 5: On the quota for /home partition

/sbin/quotaon /home

That’s all that needs to be done. After this, you can use the command below to see the users inside the /home directory.

repquota /home

Similarly to increase/decrease the quota for a particular user, you can use the commands as below:-

edquota username

e.g. edquota sachin
Disk quotas for user sachin (uid 502):
  Filesystem                   blocks       soft       hard     inodes     soft     hard
  /dev/vda2                        16          0          0          5        0        0

That’s it.


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