If you’re facing issues with the default system utilities checking for disk usage, then there is a nice
tool to check the disk usage i.e. NCDU (NCurses Disk Usage). You just need to install it at once and then
you can simply run the command as ‘ncdu’ at any directory and it’ll show the disk space used by the
directories and files there. Below is the process to install it :-
Step 1: Download the latest version of the package from the link below of its official site:-
Step 2: Extract the package using tar.
Step 3: Get inside the package using cd ncdu-x
Step 4: Run the commands below one by one and install it :-
./configure –prefix=/usr
make install
That’s it.
Now, go inside / , /root, /var, /home/ and then run the command as below :-
ncdu [Enter]
Then it’ll show the disk usage for the directories and files present at your current location.