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Web Access Control

Sometimes, there is a situation where unusual traffic comes from a particular IP address or domain and this could make your domain’s outgoing traffic usage high due to the huge number of requests or this could create DDOS (Distributed-Denial-of-Service) attacks on your site. At that time, if you would like to stop accessing your site from that IP address or domain than that you can do using the ‘Web Access Control’ feature in the H-Sphere control panel.

This is a very useful and effective option to stop such bad requests. Below are the steps to use it :-

1) Make sure the ‘Web Access Control’ option is enabled in the plan as only then you’ll be able to see it on the Web Services page of the domain.

2) Please login your hosting control panel and go to ‘Web Option’ under ‘Domain Setting’ and click on your Domain name and see the ‘Web Access Control’ option at the bottom of the page.

3) Click on the UP Arrow button to enable and select Deny or Allow which actually means deny access from all or allow access from all.

4) “Allow’ should be checked so that everyone can access your site except particular IPs, and then submit this information. You can select “Deny” if you want to give access to your site to limited IP’s.

5) After this you’ll be back on the same web service page and then click to edit the ‘Web Access Control’ option and then put in the domain/IP address and click on the “add” button to block.

That’s it !! Once these steps are done you’ll see bad requests are lesser as your site won’t be accessible from their end.


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